About Me, Me, Me

  I’ve thought a lot about what to write here. Everything I read on the internet says to put a little “something about you,” but I think it’s difficult to sum up my entire life in just a few sentences.

   I started this page as a part blog, part writing portfolio. I enjoy writing a lot, but I always thought that I would just write and never share any of it with anyone. Then recently I read a book about creativity and art that talked about the fear of sharing your work. I have a huge fear of it. A big part of me can’t help thinking, who cares? Why would anyone be interested in what I have to say? 

   Then I realized that it doesn’t matter at all. Maybe someone will relate, maybe they won’t. Maybe someone will help or have something insightful to say. I am often confused and wonder if I am alone in the confusion. Life can be very chaotic.

   Anyway, I am very fortunate to love a lot of things and though there are simply too many to write down in one post, here are a few general bullet points (one very important thing to know about me is I love a good list). 

  • I love reading and have tried to build a habit of reading a little bit every day.
  • I love to cook, all kinds of foods. What I love even more than cooking is cooking for people I love and having them enjoy it. 
  • I love being creative. That can mean something different every day. Some days it’s writing. Some days it’s practicing the piano. Some days it’s doing an arts and crafts project. I am basically an adult child when it comes to art or music. I’m not very advanced or good at it but I love participating and it’s fun. 
  • I love to travel. I have had the enormous privilege to go on some amazing trips with friends and family. I love experiencing new things and when you travel, you are immersed in constant adventure. 
  • I love my friends and my family. I feel very lucky that I get to say that. I love spending time with them and doing activities and I think about them a lot. I am always missing them, no matter how often I see them. 

There is a lot more and I intend to write about a little bit of everything. I hope you enjoy it and if you don’t, please know I didn’t do it intentionally. Thank you!