Thinking Back on The Last Minute Life
My boyfriend has two kids and they are with us every other week. Usually, he picks them up on Friday nights and they leave the following Friday. This past week, his daughter had a soccer game and then wanted to attend the school’s football game. Usual teenage stuff. My boyfriend and his ex wife were…
The Annoying Benefit of Good Benefits
I used to hate when people would talk about a job and they would describe it as “meh” or “it’s fine” but they would always follow it up by saying, “but it has great benefits.” When I was younger I was so confused by that. If you have to do this job a minimum of…
Life is More Exciting With Single Serving Friends
“Everywhere I travel, tiny life. Single-serving sugar, single-serving cream, single pat of butter. The microwave Cordon Bleu hobby kit. Shampoo-conditioner combos, sample-packaged mouthwash, tiny bars of soap. The people I meet on each flight? They’re single-serving friends.” (Fight Club, 1999) Single serving friends are important. I think they are a crucial and necessary part of…
Friends for Life, Or for Now
Love is so interesting, isn’t it? One minute you could be completely, utterly obsessed with someone and then some time passes and you can’t even look at them. I’m not just talking about romantic relationships either, I’m talking about friendships. Can you think of a friendship where you just wanted to spend every waking minute…
Proud To Be Boring, An Aging Victory
I always heard tales about how as you get older, you don’t have the spark or the energy that you used to. Whether it’s to stay out late, wear a cute dress that cuts off circulation or go to a social event after an incredibly long week. I think part of that might be true…
The Best Fig from a Full Fig Tree
I am subscribed to a weekly newsletter through James Clear, author of Atomic Habits. It usually comes on Thursdays and he calls it 3-2-1 Thursdays. In it he includes 3 ideas from him, 2 quotes from other people, and 1 question for the reader to consider for the week. I really look forward to the…
The Art of Not Having Kids
I’m a woman in my early thirties so naturally, per this phase of life, many people are asking and talking about kids. I suppose as a woman, that topic never ceases whether you’re young or old, with children or without. It feels like no matter what we do, we need to explain or justify the…