The Annoying Benefit of Good Benefits
I used to hate when people would talk about a job and they would describe it as “meh” or “it’s fine” but they would always follow it up by saying, “but it has great benefits.” When I was younger I was so confused by that. If you have to do this job a minimum of…
The 2024 Summer Olympics
Ahh the Olympics, it’s that time again. Regular, average people get to watch the top one percent of athletes from across the globe compete in dozens of sports for that coveted gold medal. There’s drama, there’s excitement, there’s heartbreak, sadness. It’s the realest form of reality tv and we love it. If you’re American, it…
Are Sex Scenes Fun or Overdone?
I saw an article a few months ago discussing how Gen Zs are actually looking for less sex and fewer sex scenes in movies and tv shows. This resurfaced in my mind recently while watching the third season of Bridgeton. When Olivia Rodrigo saw the Barbie movie, she tweeted after that she couldn’t remember…
Sweet Treat; Friend? Foe? Or somewhere in between?
My Dad likes to drink heavy cream. Now I know what you’re thinking. That sounds insane. It is a little insane but let me explain. My Dad has always liked his little treats. He loves dark chocolate. It’s actually been a grand savior on many occasions when we need to get a gift for him…
Something Is Better Than Nothing
I’m realizing more and more the power of getting something done in a few minutes, that it’s better than nothing. I used to think I needed a big chunk of time to get anything actually accomplished. Whether it was reading, cleaning, or even certain work projects. If I only had 5 minutes, I would think,…
A 2024 Met Gala Recap – From Someone Who Knows Nothing About Fashion
Ahh the Met Gala, the fashion event and party of the year. For celebrities it’s a time to walk the entrance in extraordinary outfits designed specifically for this occasion. For us regulars, it’s a time for us to judge said celebrities and outfits. It’s a win for everybody. When talking about it to a…
Athletes Might Be the Craziest Ones of All
I think it’s hilarious when people joke about runners or weight lifters as being sane or mentally stable. My sister and I were joking about our mental health the other day (as sisters do) and she said, “You run, people who run are stable.” I find it funny because we are some of the most…
The Sports Wage Gap – Are we tired of talking about it yet?
It seems to be the sports topic of the week. Caitlin Clark went as the first draft pick in the WNBA to the Indiana Fevers. Now here’s where it gets good, her salary in her rookie year will be a whopping $76,535. For reference, I work as a Business Manager for a big corporation and…
The Curse of Your 30’s, Or Is It All In Your Head?
When did everyone start accepting the fact that when you turn 30, your body “goes to shit?” I’m very confused about where this notion came from. I saw some funny videos and jokes made about it on social media but I am also hearing it in real life from friends and coworkers. They say things…
Is Speed Dating for Therapy a Thing?
Finding the right therapist feels a lot like dating. It’s kind of a daunting task. You have to find someone who you can share everything with, who you respect and are open to hearing their feedback, and who can guide you through things. But it might take kissing a few frogs before you find…